Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wal-mart's exploding tires lead to old, disabled gentleman's dehydration

I am 50 years old, disabled gentleman who lives in Roswell, NM. I am unable to write or type on a computer (don't even own one) and I have had a very big problem with some tires that were purchased at my local Walmart.

Two of the tires failed (exploded) on a trip from Roswell to the Carlsbad Caverns. This resulted in my son and I being stranded in the desert for over five hours while we waited for Walmat road service to handle the problem. I suffered severe heat exhaustion and dehydration which resulted in medical treatments over $11,000. I am still having problems and medical expenses because of it.

I have been told that posting this type story on your web site gets the attention of Walmat and they may do something about taking responsibility for my medical expenses. To date they have not.

Since I can not write, (my sister in Tennessee is sending this e-mail for me) is it possible for me to dictate my story over the phone so it can be put on your web site. I could also send a video tape explaining the entire situation, if I had an address. If you give me a phone number I would happy to call. You can send this information to me via phone, mail or by e-mailing it to my sister.

Bernie DeGruchy