Sunday, November 08, 2009

Wal-Mart Sues Brain-damaged Employee

Wal-Mart has been dubbed
"The Worst Person in the World" by NSNBC for suing a severely brain-damaged Wal-Mart employee.

Debbie Shank, a Missouri Wal-Mart employee,
was left severely disabled and brain-damaged after being hit by a semi-trailer truck.

Initially, her Wal-Mart health care plan paid her medical bills.

The Shank family sued the trucking company and won a
$417,000 settlement.

Hearing news of the settlement,
Wal-Mart then sued the family for $470,000 (to get their medical money back. They even added interest and the cost of their legal fees to make certain they didn't pay a cent)

And they won.

The Shanks appealed, but the Supreme Court refused to hear their case. The Shank family is forced to give Wal-mart $470,000,
more than they earned from the settlement.

Debbie lives in a nursing home, and requires 24-hour care. Her husband, Jim Shank, works two jobs, struggling to pay for his wife's nursing home expenses.

According to MSNBC:
Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott earns more than $470,000 a week and Wal-Mart earns $470,000 every 38 seconds.